He Accidentally Built a Thriving Business

How simple idea turned into a product making thousands of dollars

What if you built a successful AI tool without even trying?

That’s exactly what happened to Josh. His AI job-seeking assistant skyrocketed to 10,000+ monthly users, all through word of mouth.

In fact, Josh didn’t even know how popular his tool had become until months later when he checked his user base.

I left it alone for about 6 months and forgot about it. One day I went back into the database, and saw I had 700 users without having done anything!


His launch strategy was unconventional at best: Josh posted his free tool on Reddit and forgot about it.

Six months later: he found that 700 users were already using his tool without a single marketing push. This unexpected success forced Josh to make a critical decision.

I realized I needed to monetize fast and build something really valuable, that people will pay for.


That moment convinced Josh to take it seriously: He began adding premium features, upgrading the AI, and introducing paid plans.

Suddenly, people were signing up for the paid versions. That’s when Josh realized this could go somewhere.

I decided to launch it as a product. I wanted the cover letters look so good that they could be sent off straight away.



  • What can aspiring AI entrepreneurs learn from Josh’s unexpected success?

  • How did he turn a side project into a thriving business?

  • And what advice does he have for those just starting out?

Keep reading to discover Josh’s insights and the lessons he’s learned along the way.

AI Success Story
The Accidental Entrepreneur

Have you ever watched a friend struggle and thought, “There’s got to be a better way”?

That’s exactly what happened to Josh, a skilled software developer with a natural talent for problem-solving.

“I watched my buddy spend hours crafting cover letters, only to get no response,” Josh remembers, shaking his head. “It was like watching someone dig a hole with a spoon when there’s a perfectly good shovel sitting right next to them.”

That’s when the lightbulb moment hit: What if there was a tool that could take the hassle out of job applications? An AI assistant that would churn out personalized cover letters and resumes.

And just like that, JobBuddy was born—an idea sparked by frustration and powered by the desire to help a friend.

1. From Idea to Reality

With determination in his eyes and coffee in his veins, Josh set out to build a tool that would make job-seeking a little less painful.

But like any good story, it wasn’t without its challenges.

“The early days were… interesting,” Josh laughs. “I was battling with GPT-3.5. Some days, it would create a perfect cover letter. Other days, it was pure junk.”

Despite the issues, Josh kept iterating and improving. He builds the first version of his tool and shares it on Reddit.

And that’s when the story takes an unexpected turn.

2. The Stealth Success

Here’s where things get wild: Josh, caught up with other projects, basically forgets about JobBuddy for six months.

No marketing, no updates, nada. Then one day, curiosity strikes. He logs in to check the database and...

“I nearly fell out of my chair,” Josh laughs. “700 users! And I hadn’t done a thing. It was insane!”

This accidental success lit a fire under Josh: JobBuddy wasn't just a pet project anymore – it had potential. Real, paying-the-bills potential.

3. From Free Tool to Money Maker

Josh faced a dilemma: He built a growing tool, but it was also costing him money to run. Remember? This tool was free to use the entire time.

I added "buy me a coffee" button which earned a whopping $5. You can't even buy a fancy latte with that…


"I kept thinking, is this really good enough for people to pay for? But the users were telling me loud and clear – this thing was valuable."

So, Josh took the swing: He introduced paid tiers, upgraded the AI model, and focused on making JobBuddy's outputs faster, better, and even more professional.

He added user login, resume uploads, and the ability to tailor content based on specific job descriptions.

The result? Ka-ching!

People started signing up for paid plans, and JobBuddy started making money.

4. To 10,000 Users and Beyond!

JobBuddy just kept on growing. And all the growth was through the simple word of mouth.

Here is how JobBuddy is doing today:

  • 10,000 users (and counting!)

  • $800 in monthly recurring revenue

  • 150+ happy subscribers

But Josh isn’t one to rest. He’s got ambitious plans for JobBuddy’s future:

  • A new tier powered by ChatGPT’s latest reasoning model o1-preview.

  • Improved resume generation with templates and customization options.

  • A complete UI overhaul.

"There's a lot of competition now," he admits. "But I'm not trying to win a price war," Josh explains. "I want people to send off our cover letters and think, 'Damn, I'd hire me!'

5. Lessons from an Accidental Entrepreneur

Josh's journey has taught him some valuable lessons:

  1. Don't undersell yourself: "I should have monetized earlier," Josh admits. "If you're solving a real problem, people will pay. Period."

  2. Listen to your users: "I wasted weeks on features nobody wanted," Josh says. "Your users will tell you what they need – if you're smart enough to listen."

  3. Keep it simple, smarty: "You don't need all the bells and whistles on day one," Josh advises. "Focus on solving the core problem really well. Save the dark mode for version 2.0."

  4. Solve real pain points: "When you're fixing a genuine problem, the gratitude from users is like rocket fuel for your motivation," Josh grins.

6. The Road Ahead

As JobBuddy continues to grow, Josh keeps focusing on what matters most – helping job seekers put their best foot forward.

At the end of the day, It’s not about algorithms and fancy AI. It's about giving people confidence when they need it most. That's what gets me excited to keep building and improving.


So, the next time you're staring at a blank page, trying to craft the perfect cover letter, remember Josh and JobBuddy.

Success Story
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Want to learn more about Josh’s journey or try out JobBuddy?